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Permissions in Account Settings

The account settings contain your account's subscription, basic settings, and billing information. There are two permission levels: organization administrators and billing managers.

The person who created your Planning Center account is an organization administrator by default. Organization administrators have full administrator access to all products except Giving. It's best to limit who has this role, but you should always have at least two people in it. Share this Introduction article with any organization administrator to familiarize them with the account settings.


Use the Security History to see when changes have been made to the organization administrator list.

Organization administrators and billing managers will receive email notifications from time to time with information about your account.

Organization Administrator

Billing Manager

Subscription changes


Organization administrator changes

Payment reminders

Billing statements


Contact Information Permissions


Giving people access to Planning Center depends on their role at your church. Staff and background-checked leaders may have enough trust to access people's information, whether to edit or view, but people outside of that trusted circle should be given lower permissions.


Only organization administrators can edit profile information for people across all Planning Center products.

This table outlines who can access people's contact information based on their permissions in another product. 

Can edit

Can view

No access

Account Settings

Organization administrators (in all products)

Billing managers


People editor

People viewer

Any Event, Room, or Resource permission












Group type manager

Leader (everyone in their group) 

Member (everyone in their group who has made info visible)

Members under the age of 13









Manager (only attendees in signup)



Editor (based on settings)

Scheduler (based on settings)

Viewer (based on settings)

Scheduled viewer

Organization Administrator-Only Tasks


Organization administrators have access to specific parts of Planning Center that no other permission can access, so please familiarize yourself with them as early as possible.




Add/Remove Feeds 

Create Event Templates 

Import iCal feeds 

Manage Campus Tags 

Enable Church Center to host your calendar

Resolve Conflicts


Enable the Church Center mobile app for pre-check 

Change the Localization settings that all event times are based on


Enable Church Center to host your donation form

Connect the Stripe Integration to take online donations (done in Account settings)


Enable the Church Center for group engagement

Change the Localization settings that all event times are based on


Delete profiles (not recommended)

Set an expiration date for background checks 

Deactivate two-step verification for a profile  

Change a person's login method 

Purchase texting credits 

Enable the Directory on Church Center 


Enable Church Center to host signups

Connect the Stripe Integration to take online payments (done in Account settings)


Choose default permission settings 

Update default settings for the Lyrics & Chords editor 

Create shared email templates 

Add/Remove Music Stand 

Deactivate two-step verification for a profile 

Give Access

To give access to the account settings, type the person's name in the appropriate field and then select the person's name. If the person isn't in your database yet, create a new profile for them.


When a person is added, they'll receive an email that allows them to set their password and log in.


Emails are sent to the primary email address, except for Account Settings. Account Settings sends an email to every email address listed on an organization administrator or billing manager's profile.

Remove Access

To remove someone's administrative access, click the X icon next to the person's name.


Removing someone from the organization administrator role can cause some processes to break, especially in the People product. To avoid any hiccups, read through Staff Transition before removing administrators.

remove access_arrow.png

Removing a person's access will not notify them. When they try to log in, they will encounter an error page.

Request Organization Administrator Change

If you need to replace an organization administrator but cannot access the Administrators page, email accounts@planningcenteronline.com to request that change. You must verify your identity before any changes can be made; use the table below to determine what identifiable information to include in your email based on your payment method.

Payment Method

Required Info

Credit Card

  • The amount that you are charged

  • The exact day of the month you are charged

  • The last four digits of the credit card we are charging

  • The Organization Number of your account


  • The check number of your most recent payment

  • The amount of your most recent payment

  • The Organization Number of your account

Product Users

In the Product Users tab on the People page, you can see a list of everyone who has been given login access to any part of your Planning Center account and which products each person has access to.



People with access to Services are not included on the Product Users tab. To review your Services users, go to the People page in Services and use the available filters to search.

You can search for people by name and filter the list by Product access to see everyone with login access to a specific product.


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